Learn these funny Valentine poems by Jack Prelutsky

Jack Prelutsky (born September 8, 1940) is an American writer of children’s poetry who has published over  poetry collections.

You’ll have a great chance to revise “dessert” vocabulary learning “I Love You More Than Applesauce”.

I love you more than applesauce, than peaches and a plum,

than chocolate hearts and cherry tarts

and berry bubblegum.

I love you more than lemonade and seven-layer cakes,

than lollipops and candy drops

and thick vanilla shakes.

I love you more than marzipan, than marmalade on toast,

Oh, I love pies of any size,

but I love YOU the most!

Vocabulary List

  • applesauce – яблучне пюре
  • more – більше
  • chocolate – шоколад
  • heart – серце
  • tart – пиріг
  • berry – ягода
  • bubblegum – жувальна гумка
  • lemonade – лимонад
  • layer – шар
  • lollipops – цукерки
  • candy drops – льодяники
  • vanilla  shakes – ванільні коктейлі
  • marzipan – марципан
  • marmalade  – мармелад
  • toast – тост, грінка
  • pies – пироги
  • of any size – будь-якого розміру
  • the most – найбільше

A Valentine For My Best Friend

You are rotten, you are crummy,

Nasty, smelly and a dummy,

You are absolutely awful,

And your breath should be unlawful.

You are ugly, you are simple,

And your brain is like a pimple,

You should soak your head in brine….


Jelly Jill Loves Weasel Will

Jelly Jill Loves Weasel Will
and Will loves Flo the Fink
Flo loves Tom Tomatoface
(at least, that’s what I think).
Tom loves Steffie Sloppysocks,
and she loves Pete the Punk,
Pete loves Gretchen Gumhead,
and she loves Sam the Skunk.
Sam loves Linda Lemonmouth
and she loves Fred the Flea,
Fred’s in love with Jelly Jill
…I wonder who loves me?

My Father’s Valentine

I’m working on a Valentine,

My very special own design,

A heart to give my dad tonight

(It’s quite a chore to get it right).

The first time that I cut it out,

One side was thin, the other stout,

And so I tried to fix it, but

I made an error when I cut.

I wasn’t careful (though I tried),

And over cut the other side,

But one more snip should do it, then

Whoops!  I cut too much again.

A snip off here, a snip off there,

And maybe just another hair,

It’s finally done, but understand

It’s somewhat smaller than I’d planned.

It’s not much bigger than a bean,

The tiniest heart I’ve ever seen,

I guess I’ll give it to him now…

I bet he likes it anyhow.

Mother’s Chocolate Valentine

I bought a box of chocolate hearts,

A present for my mother,

They looked so good, I tasted one,

And then I tried another.

They both were so delicious,

Then I ate another four,

And then another couple,

And then a half a dozen more.

I couldn’t seem to stop myself,

I nibbled on and on.

Before I knew what happened,

All the chocolate hearts were gone.

I felt a little guilty,

I was stuffed down to my socks.

I ate my mother’s valentine…

I hope she likes the box.

Oh No!

Oh no!

She kissed me on the cheek,

I’m so mad, it’s hard to speak,

That’s a kiss I must erase.


I’m off to wash my face.


I Made My Dog A Valentine

I made my dog a valentine;

She sniffed it very hard,

Then chewed on it a little while and left it in the yard.

I made one for my parakeets,

A pretty paper heart,

They pulled it with their claws and beaks

Untill it ripped apart.

I made one for my turtle,

All he did was get it wet.

I wonder if a valentine

Is wasted on a pet.


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