Holidays make our lives more interesting and exciting.

Practice to speak about holidays in Ukraine. You can share this information with your foreign friends.

Level A1+

Word List

Christmas – Різдво

Easter – Великдень

Day of Independence of Ukraine – День незалежності України

Day of Knowledge – День Знань

Constitution Day – День Конституції

New Year’s Day – Новий рік

International WomenDay – Міжнародний жіночий день

St. ValentineDay – День Валентина

Victory Day – День Перемоги

TeacherDay – День вчителя

MotherDay – День матері

StNicholas‘s Day – День святого Миколая

Trinity / Pentecost Day – Трійця

Defender of Ukraine Day – День захисника України

Do you know that …

  • Christmas is celebrated twice in Ukraine: on the 25th of December (Gregorian calendar) and on the 7th of January (Julian calendar).
  • New Year’s Day is on the first of January.
  • St. Valentine’s Day is on the 14th of February.
  • Women’s Day is on the 8th of March.
  • Humour Day is on the first of April.
  • Easter is celebrated in April or in May.
  • Labour Day is on the first of May.
  • Victory Day is on the 9th of May.
  • Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May.
  • Trinity or Pentecost Day is on the fiftieth day after Easter.
  • Constitution Day is on the 28th of June.
  • Independence Day is on the 24th of August.
  • The Day of Knowledge is on the first of September.
  • Teacher’s Day is on the first Sunday of October.
  • Defender of Ukraine Day is on the 14th of October.
  • St. Nicholas’s Day is on the 19th of December.



on Christmas Day
on Easter Day
on Halloween
on Mother’s Day
on Christmas Eve
on Father’s Day
on my birthday
on holiday


at Christmas
at weekend
at Easter
at night
at midnight

Speak about Holidays in Ukraine

  1. I live in Ukraine.
  2. We celebrate many holidays in our country.
  3. There are traditional and public holidays in Ukraine.
  4. Public holidays are Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Constitution Day, Independence Day, Labour Day, Victory Day and Defender of Ukraine Day.
  5. The traditional holidays are St. Nicholas’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Humour Day, the Day of Knowledge, Teacher’s Day, Mother’s Day and others.
  6. My favourite holidays are __________________________________________________
  7. All holidays are the days which make everybody happy.
  8. Celebrating is my joy.
  9. I love greeting guests at my home.
  10. I like helping mum to cook tasty things.
  11. I am fond of making presents and surprises.

New Year

On the first of January people celebrate New Year. Every year before this day people clean up their houses, decorate them with lights, make tasty food and set the tables. In the evening they listen to the President’s speech on TV. And at midnight they say “Happy New Year!” They are very excited.