Elementary School

Have you learnt the days of the week yet?

Join us. Let’s do it together!

There are seven days in a week.

And each day is very special.

Days of the Week. Vocabulary List

week – тиждень

day – день

days of the week – дні тижня

weekdays – робочі дні

weekend – кінець тижня / вихідні

days off – вихідні дні

Sunday – неділя

Monday – понеділок

Tuesday – вівторок

Wednesday – середа

Thursday – четвер

Friday – п’ятниця

Saturday – субота


Дні тижня в англійській мові пишуться з великої літери.

Speak about the Days of the Week

There are seven days in a week.

They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Saturday and Sunday are days off. They are called weekend.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are weekdays.

My favourite days are Friday and Saturday.

Sing along to know the days of the week!