For students of elementary school
Easter poems for elementary school are easy to memorize and can help make the lessons devoted to Easter more exciting and fun.
Learn these Easter poems.
Bunnies are brown
Bunnies are white
Bunnies are always
An Easter delight.
Bunnies are cuddly
The large and the small.
But I like chocolate ones
The best of them all.
Finding a Treat
Hipity hop, hippity hop,
Will the Easter bunny stop?
Will he leave a treat behind
An Easter basket for me to find?
I’ll look over here, I’ll look over there.
I’ll look behind things, I look everywhere.
I’ll look until I find my treat,
And then I’ll sit right down and eat.
Someting That Easter Brings
Easter duck and Easter chick.
Easter eggs with chocolate thick.
Easter hats for one and all,
Easter bunny makes a call!
Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things.
Happy Easter!
The tulips in the garden
Are wearing yellow hats;
The pussywillows by the brook
Have fur like any cats.
The bee is honey hunting;
The robin’s chirp is gay;
And all the world is singing,
“Oh, happy Easter Day!”
Easter Colors
Pink and white, pale yellow,
Pale green, deep purple.
Pink and white, green and yellow,
These are the colors of Easter.
Pink and white Easter bunny.
Green and yellow Easter basket.
Deep purple, shiny ribbon
These are the colors of Easter.
Pink and white Easter bunny.
Green and yellow Easter basket.
Pink and purple Easter eggs.
These are the colors of Easter.
Here Comes the Easter Bunny
Here comes the Easter Bunny.
My friend, the Easter Bunny.
Here comes the Easter Bunny hoping along, singing a bunny song.
I love the Easter Bunny.
My friend, the Easter Bunny.
Here comes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.
There goes the Easter Bunny.
My friend, the Easter Bunny.
There goes the Easter Bunny hoping along, singing a bunny song.
I love the Easter Bunny.
My friend, the Easter Bunny.
There goes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.
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