Speak about Easter, the great holiday in Ukraine

  1. Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection.
  2. It is celebrated according to the Moon calendar on the first Sunday after the first spring full Moon.
  3. It is on Sunday between the 4th of April and the 8th of May.
  4. Easter celebrations have many rich traditions.
  5. The week before Easter is called the Great, the White or Pure Week.
  6. The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday.
  7. On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church.
  8. The people tap one another with these branches repeating the wish: “Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the Earth. Not I am tapping, the willow is tapping. Easter is in a week!”
  9. The traditional Easter breads (the pasky), coloured Easter eggs (pysanky and krashanky) and other provisions are blessed in the church on Easter.
  10. Easter is a feast of joy and gladness.
  11. Easter is a national holiday in Ukraine.

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