
Elementary School Speaking

Learn the words to speak about the celebration of Easter in  Britain and Ukraine.

Easter – Великдень

hot cross bun – гаряча булочка з хрестом

Christ – Христос

church – церква

people – люди

No wonder – Не дивно

bunny – кролик

great – великий

give thanks to Christ – дякувати Христові

celebrate – святкувати

penny – пенні, пенс

bring – приносити

made of – зроблено з

wood – деревина

glass – скло

plastic – пластик, пластмаса

paper – папір

real – справжній

Coloured eggs are called ‘pysanky’. – Кольорові яйця називаються писанки.

Easter card – Великодня листівка

God – Бог

Have practice to speak about Easter in Britain and Ukraine.

Speak about Easter in Britain

  1. Easter is a great holiday in Britain.
  2. On Easter Sunday people go to church, give thanks to Christ, sing songs, listen to music.
  3. They say that at Easter the Easter bunny brings coloured eggs.
  4. Children like Easter egg hunt.
  5. Families sit for a big dinner.
  6. People like eating hot cross buns and chocolate eggs.