How is Easter celebrated in Ukraine?
Easter is one of the most beloved holidays in Ukraine. Easter traditions in Ukraine are interesting and rich.
Level A1 / A2
Word List
- feast – святкування, банкет
- Jesus Christ – Ісус Христос
- resurrection – воскресіння
- according to – відповідно до
- full Moon – повний місяць
- Pure Week – Чистий тиждень
- Willow Sunday – Вербна неділя
- pussy-willow branches – гілочки верби
- are blessed – освячуються
- tap one another – стукати один одного
- repeating the wish – повторюючи бажання
- the Earth – Земля
- provisions – продукти харчування
- Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! – Христос воскрес! Воістину воскрес!
- joy and gladness – радість і веселість
- national – державний
Read about Easter Traditions in Ukraine
- Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection.
- It is celebrated according to the Moon calendar on the first Sunday after the full Moon.
- It is on Sunday between the 4th of April and the 8th of May.
- Easter traditions in Ukraine are very rich.
- The week before Easter is called the Great, the White or Pure Week.
- The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday.
- On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church.
- The people tap one another with these branches repeating the wish: “Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the Earth. Not I am tapping, the willow is tapping. Easter is in a week!”
- The traditional Easter breads (the pasky), coloured Easter eggs (pysanky and krashanky) and other provisions are blessed in the church on Easter.
- People say, “Christ is risen!” and answer, “He is risen indeed!”
- Easter is a feast of joy and gladness.
- Easter is a national holiday in Ukraine.
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